The Tien Shinhan Saga, is the seventh saga from fictional manga and anime Dragon Ball. The plot of this saga revolves around the 22nd Tenka'ichi Budôkai, a tournament between the best fighters in the world.
For the last three years Goku and his friends have been in intensive training. Kuririn and Yamcha spent their time with a wise master of martial arts, the Turtle Hermit Muten Roshi. Goku, having grown stronger than his teacher, was instructed to venture off by himself into the world, seeking new experiences and developing his own potential.
When the time of the tournament arrives, Yamcha and Kuririn arrive to sign up for the tournament with Bulma, Lunch, Oolong, Pu'ar, Umigame and Roshi there to watch and cheer them on; unknown to the gang, Roshi secretly signs up using the alias which he used to win the 21st tournament, Jackie Chun.
The Crane Hermit and his students, Tenshinhan and ChaozuWhile they are waiting for Goku to arrive they are confronted by Roshi's arch-rival, the Crane Hermit. The Crane Hermit is entering his two students, Tenshinhan and Chaozu, in response to Goku making the finals in the previous tournament. Crane is determined to show up Roshi and prove the superiority of his school. The conversation quickly degrades to a trading of insults between the two hermits before Crane abruptly leaves.
Goku arrives shortly after and the group enjoys a brief reunion. Goku, Yamcha and Kuririn then change into their Turtle-style uniforms and meet up with Jackie Chun, whom Goku promises to defeat this time around.
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